Sunday, December 27, 2009

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The 2009 Year End with barrels Fourteen nets to WHC

If Zwolle, the city where he played the match between Ajax and WHC has reserved a fireworks display the two teams engaged in the eighth finals of the cup, the favor was reciprocated by the players of Ajax, almost like training, the networks have trimmed fourteen amateur WHC, team Zaterdag Hoofdklasse C.
Ajax, who came from two half-cup fool against AGOVV and Dordrecht, the thundering victory regain some di fiducia e di ritmo partita dopo lo scempio in Europa League contro l'Anderlecht e la mancata partita di campionato contro il NAC Breda, rinviata per il brutto tempo.

Oltre all'utile, c'è anche il dilettevole, perchè vincendo 14-1 si è battuto il record di goal fatti dall'Ajax in una gara di coppa stabilito nel 1961 contro il Rapiditas Weesp (il risultato finale fu di 10 a 0). Il record assoluto, però, pare irraggiungibile: i detentori sono i gialloneri del NAC Breda, che negli anni 50 hanno demolito il Dongen per 18 a 1!

Il maltempo che ha colpito l'Olanda negli ultimi giorni ha rischiato di far saltare anche questa partita, ma le due società si sono accordate per disputare il match nella vicina Zwolle, la cui squadra gioca su di un manto artificiale. Il campo, dopo essere stato spalato per tutta la giornata da una cinquantina di volontari, si è presentato in ottime condizioni. La partita, però, perde subito il mordente, in quanto il gap tra le due squadre è lampante. Il primo tempo si chiude sul risultato di 1-6 e dopo i novanta minuti, sul tabellino si contano sei reti di Luis Suarez, che salterà per squalifica il quarto di finale contro il NEC di Nimega, due reti di Pantelic, Aissati e Kennedy Bakircioglu, oltre alla marcatura di De Zeeuw ed un autogol.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Broken Capillaries Face My Daughter

Adios, Dario! In Europe League will

Dopo 24 partite e 13 goal con l'Ajax, lascia (seppur in prestito) l'Amsterdam ArenA Dario Cvitanich.
Destinazione: Messico. L'attaccante dal doppio passaporto (argentino e croato), infatti, giocherà con il Club de Futbol Pachuca.
Sempre altalenante, non ha mai convinto a pieno, venendo definitivamente scalzato da Marko Pantelic.
L'Ajax lo celebra con questo video sul suo canale ufficiale di youtube!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

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Ajax - Juventus: history repeats itself

La leggerezza con cui è stata affrontata la sfida contro l'Anderlecht, in un Amsterdam ArenA pieno a metà, complice il freddo ma anche la qualificazione già raggiunta, è stata pagata quasi subito.
Dodici ore dopo che Lukaku e soci hanno strapazzato gli uomini di Jol, scesi in campo quasi come per fare un favore a qualcuno, l'urna di Nyon ha riservato all'Ajax un avversario piuttosto probatorio: la Juventus.
Se la vittoria in Champions del Bayern, con conseguente eliminazione dei bianconeri, può essere considerata la vendetta personale di Louis Van Gaal, che col suo gioco ha letteralmente imbavagliato gli uomini di Ciro Ferrara, la doppia sfida del 18 e del 25 febbraio è l'occasione per l'Ajax di rivalersi dopo le sconfitte in Champions League nel 1996 e nel 1997. Se la finale di Roma rappresenta, proprio in quanto finale, una storia a sè, la sconfitta in semifinale dell'anno dopo (1-2 ad Amsterdam ed un mortificante 4-1 a Torino) scotta anche di più, proprio per il risultato con cui è arrivata.
Affrontare la Juve oggi sarebbe stato buono. La "vecchia signora", infatti, al momento pare veramente arrugginita, oltre ad essere costretta a privarsi, per un pò, di Gianluigi Buffon. Affrontarla a febbraio, invece, darà a loro il tempo di riprendersi, ma anche all'Ajax verrà concessa l'opportunità di preparare al meglio l'incontro. Jol deve cancellare gli imbarazzi difensivi che la squadra ha dimostrato anche ieri sera contro l'Anderlecht. Occorrono degli innesti (Boilesen è ancora troppo giovane, secondo me) ma anche delle cessioni: Oleguer, prima di tutti, deve lasciare il Bijlmermeer district is the Arena, because Ajax does not need the dead weight in pink, good only to receive high salaries without providing a minimum of effort!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

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against NEC Nijmegen Ajax does not fail.

The Lancers are based under Martin Jol, or at least they try.
the day, the seventeenth, when the PSV Eredivisie AZ challenge the past in the expert hands of Dick Advocaat, determined not to lose the game in Eindhoven, the advance of Friday ajacidi grants the opportunity to decrease the gap, respectively, seven and nine points in the first two in the standings.
A race to win, in short, to continue believing in the fight for the title. Everything seems to be even più difficle quando, dopo solo un quarto d'ora, Ismael Aissati, giocatore tanto valido quanto sfortunato con gli infortuni e quindi incostante, è costretto al cambio per via di un problema alla coscia destra scaturito da uno scontro a centrocampo.

Ma, come si suol dire, non tutti i mali vengono per nuocere: dalla panca si alza Siem De Jong , destinato ad incidere fortemente sulla partita ( dopo pochissimi secondi dal suo ingresso rischia di portare in vantaggio l'Ajax ).
Il NEC, però, è messo in campo in modo tale da non uscire con le ossa rotte dall' Amsterdam ArenA, conscio dell'incredibile score casalingo dell'Ajax, che often mistreat small when playing at home.
The first time, then, becomes a frustrating three-quarters of an hour to the Capitoline, unable to score the vital goals for PSV in the run up to Twente and the forty-seventh, when the usual Luis Suarez, a minutes earlier had struck a pole climbing over the goalie with a soft touch after a slalom in the area, culminating in an action flowing from the outside corner. The
was scored before the interval, we can say, decisive. The second half
notice is served, in fact, only to certify the superiority of Ajax, in fact never embarrassed by the NEC before the seventy-fifth minute, when the result was already on two goals to zero thanks to Siem De Jong. The Ajax midfielder number 22, which among other things, at its entrance, was the ninth player on the field out of the Ajax Youth Academy (ajacidi between seven and two, and Goosens Burgzorg, the ranks of the NEC) did not miss the appointment with the network through a precise right angle directed downward.
Donald Mitchell, twelve minutes from time, the third and final goal of Ajax, with eyes and head to the match today and with our fingers crossed for you to Twente PSV can stop their march.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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win the Eredivisie? So it will be very difficult ...

Jol's words, which mark particularly since, after the second goal dell'Utrecht, firmato Wuytens, sembrano, più che parole di sprono, una ammissione dell'incapacità di saper gestire le situazioni da parte della squadra.
La sconfitta per due reti a zero, dopo tanti goal fatti nelle ultime giornate, mette Jol davanti al fatto che, per quanto in casa l'Ajax sembra non avere rivali, in trasferta, contro avversari più tignosi, i suoi uomini non riescono a convertire in goal le loro chances. A questo si deve aggiungere una difesa un pò sbarazzina, spesso troppo propensa ad attaccare, facendo così il gioco di chi si chiude, aspetta e riparte in contropiedi, spesso letali.
Con il PSV ed il Twente che sembrano non perdere mai punti, distando ora rispettivamente 7 e 9 lunghezze dall'Ajax, la rincorsa al title seems to be difficult, although still very long.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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In a race more than nervous, Ajax has the better of the Fc Timisoara

Ajax flew to Romania with the intention to win and qualify for the next round of Europe League but aware of the hellish environment trovareun Dan Paltinisanu stage.
Romanians start strong and the team of Martin Jol was forced to chase from the second minute, after Dorin Goga has taken advantage of the hosts were forced to win to keep hoping to go through.
Romanians had not come to terms with Luis Suarez, who returned to goal after a brief absence. Splendido its control to avoid the opponent's defender, followed by a lethal right to the last defender. For the Uruguayan goal is the number 23 in 22 games this season.
restore equality in the field, Ajax also manages to take the lead during the second half, with Serbian striker Marko Pantelic, who was also in a good period of form, confirmed by the five goals in their last three games.
Romanians Timisoara end up doing the first when Jose harakiri Eder and then the goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon become expelled in the course of just twelve minutes, even conceding two penalties to Ajax, missed both by Suarez. But by then the game is just the Lancers to handle whistle until it establishes the qualification Subsequent to the playoffs!

Friday, November 27, 2009

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Ajax continues to work with HFC Haarlem

After a long period during which the partnership with HFC Haarlem, dell'Eerstedivisie team seemed to have decreased considerably, contacts with Roodbroeken intensified again. Cock Jol, brother of the coach Martin Jol, is working to define the passage of new young people from Ajax youth academy, as happened recently with promettentissimi (born 1990) Tom Overtoom and Tayfun Candan.
and HFC Haarlem, Ajax have agreed that the new partnership will last for three years until July 2012. In addition to loan young players, with the aim to wean in the lower divisions, the partnership also consists of leadership exercised by the financial support of Ajax against the dell'Haarlem. The Ajax manager will support the club with regard to the lesser of the field of youth development and scouting.
Rik van den Boog has stressed that there are so many talented players in the youth ajacidi that, because covered by the professional players, may not be able to shed light on their relationship. The agreement with the Haarlem, therefore, allow the students to be able to improve the technical and tactical exploited for the moment the team was champion of the Netherlands in 1946, before returning to the parent. Rasmijn Dino, general manager of HFC Haarlem added to the words of van den Boog the fact that the best players dell'Haarlem passarenno the team Amsterdam, as well as the promises that Ajax will have no place in racing savvy minors, as was the case with Gregory van der Wiel, who spent three years before returning to Haarlem to Amsterdam to win the starting spot nell'Ajax and Dutch national.
Convenient for both, in fact.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

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Ajax - Heerenveen 5-1, to the delight of Jol (finally)

E 'appeared deeply satisfied, Martin Jol at the end of the useless second time Ajax-Heerenveen. La partita, infatti, era finita già al quarantacinquesimo, o forse addirittura prima, quando l'Ajax aveva segnato il terzo o il quarto goal.
"Siamo stati quasi perfetti, nel primo tempo. Sette occasioni da rete trasformate in cinque goal non possono che lasciarmi soddisfatto", ha detto l'allenatore dei Lancieri, dispiaciuto solo per aver visto i suoi allentarsi già sul 4-0, a circa dieci minuti dal fischio di fine primo tempo.
Degna di nota, sicuramente, la prestazione di De Zeeuw, oramai sempre più uomo goal di questa squadra e pronto a candidarsi a miglior centrocampista dell'Ajax sin dai tempi di Sneijder!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Away behind closed doors against Dinamo Zagreb Ajax

L'Ajax disputerà alle 19 il suo quinto match di Europa League, ma l'atmosfera della partita, che rappresenta l'ultima spiaggia per i croati padroni di casa, così come la consacrazione della qualificazione al turno successivo per gli olandesi, sarà piuttosto strana. La partita contro la Dinamo Zagabria, infatti, sarà giocata a porte chiuse. Il club croato è stato punito severamente dall'Uefa, che ha deciso di togliere 3 punti al club croato nella classifica del Gruppo A di Europa League, obbligando la squadra a giocare le prossime due partite casalinghe a porte chiuse per via del comportamento dei suoi tifosi prima, dopo e durante la partita giocata in Romania contro il Timisoara.
Nonstante esistesse la possibilità di uno sconto della pena, il massimo Comitato Disciplinare dell'Uefa ha mantenuto its position, challenge even the nearly two hundred Ajax fans who had organized the trip in the Croatian capital.
Luckily for them, the upper floors of the company in Amsterdam has decided to give their fans the chance to watch the match as a VIP, hosted by the company. The gesture, very noble towards the fans that, even if reimbursed for the price of the ticket, would have practically lost the flight and accommodation, is a way to ingratiate himself with some of the supporters after criticism for poor financial management of the club, now has about 70 members, probably have to yield forced Suarez as soon as possible to settle their debts for stipendi dei giocatori.

I convocati
Questi gli uomini scelti da Jol per la trasferta allo stadio Maksimir:
Stekelenburg, van der Wiel, Oleguer, Vertonghen, Emanuelson, Pantelic, Sulejmani, Vermeer, Bruno Silva, Luis Suarez, Gabri, Alderweireld, Cvitanich, de Jong, Anita, Enoh, Kennedy, de Zeeuw, Donald.

Assente Atouba, che impegnato nella partita di sabato con lo Jong Ajax, si è infortunato al menisco. Continua, così, il suo periodo sfortunato che gli ha permesso di collezionare solamente una presenza con la maglia dei lancieri.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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The Klassieker yet. The 5-1 Feyenoord it is!

Vittoria schiacciante dell'Ajax su un Feyenoord troppo inferiore per poter impensierire gli uomini di Jol.
Si tratterà di un post-lampo, per via della fretta con cui scrivo.
Certo, alcuni a Rotterdam parleranno di sfida impari per l'affrettata espulsione di Babovic, dopo il goal dell' uno a zero segnato da De Zeeuw!
Grande, ancora una volta, Emanuelson. Prestazione da incorniciare per lui che, ora, deve solo ringraziare Martin Jol per aver risolto il rebus sulla sua collocazione in campo.
La partita, tra l'altro, è stata l'occasione per il saluto a Thomas Vermaelen, che ha salutato la "sua" Amsterdam, visto che, come ha detto Van den Boog, Thomas, arrivato dal Belgio a soli 15 anni, è da considerarsi come un nativo di Amsterdam. Then, lap of honor and words of thanks before the predictable good-bye.
Returning to the football player, you just have to say that the match against Twente on Saturday, as before that of the European League against Dinamo Zagreb taking the fundamental traits of the races which, however, we can look with great confidence.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Ajax won the Dutch Cup but he does thinking about the Feyenoord

The three-day Dutch Cup ended with the playing of the Lancers in Amsterdam, hosted by the Genera Zeefuik Dordrecht, interesting talent born in 1990 in the former game. For the young man, before moving to PSV Eindhoven with whom he made his debut at 16 and got a call in the Champions League, grew in the nursery of the Capitoline. Nevertheless, neither he nor his teammates had no signs of psychological subjection to the most titled players, so that in a couple of occasions, Dordrecht has seriously threatened to take the lead and, if this is not successful, it is Stekelenburg's really about. But in football, you know, that is the rule that says "wrong goal, goal conceded," and so, the forty-eighth minute, Emanuelson, served by Sulejmani, Ajax took the lead with a fine shot at the far post. The goal does not bend the hosts, who continue to go in search of a goal that comes, 80 per minute, with Moussa Kalissa, which is credited with bringing the teams to extra time.
in extra-time, despite the expulsion of Gabri, Ajax is still doubling Emanuelson, this time with a free kick master. So ajacidi earn passage to the next round, playing a game, however bland, where he might have deserved more Dordrecht, however, unable to take advantage of the distraction of the players of Ajax, probably with the head of the championship match Sunday, Nov. 1 against Feyenoord.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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Luis Suarez can leave Ajax. Destination? AC Milan, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLiverpool ...

.. or who knows how many other teams.
are many, in fact, the club indicated their interest in the words of Rik van den Boog who would speak of "willingness to listen to offers and eventually give in to any of this if it was extremely convenient."
The twenty-two is now a key player of Ajax and its national and its performances have left indifferent the leaders of the rich English and English clubs, not excluding many others, AC Milan head.
But beware, because here is the leader, the soul of Ajax over the last two years
you are talking about. One of his assignment would assign to the department offensive Pantelic (still not well placed) Sulejmani (the shadow of the player who thought it was) or Cvitanich (in August that it planned to sell, you do a little) and a possible arrival arising from the sale of Suarez.
Today, Ajax is clearly dependent on the Uruguayan player and there's Babel (why, yes! ... Still speak of him) that can replace it! Suarez is our top scorer and the catalyst of most schemes of Jol. If you must leave, to remain until January, or we risk ending up in the same state of post-sale of Klaas Jan Huntelaar!
The good news is that Luis, conscious of all this interest around him, he often kissed the top or the strong showing how close he should stay at Ajax and how grateful I am that the company has finally launched, bought from Groningen to even 7 million just 20 years ... we can only hope nell'avvedutezza of our leaders!

Monday, October 26, 2009

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Ajax in crisis overwhelms AZ

Who knows what will Martin Jol said his players in the locker room during the interval of the DSB Stadion?
fact is that, after a first time actually in the hands of the hosts the lead thanks to the usual portatisi El Hamdaoui (goal, which comes several minutes after a shot Schaars print out on the street), in the basement of the stadium something happened, actually changing the game. The coach decides
ajacide first to win the midfield, up to then in the hands of men of Koeman, Gabri found by entering the place of a Marko Pantelic still a little outside the box of the team. The inclusion of English has allowed it, De Zeeuw (hard and full of provocations by the warmth of his former teammates and fans) to get in the chair. "I could only respond to insults in a way," said the midfielder "or helping my team win the game" so much so that provided the assist for the goal of 1-3 Van der Wiel, in addition to being was involved in a good second half.
The turning point, we said, has another protagonist: the Argentine goalkeeper Romero, guilty of being badly placed at the balance of Emanuelson. Aware of the reckless disregard of a number of the house, kicked Urby by decision of 30 meters, sheltered on the left wing, restoring a level playing field that would have lasted very little. About 60 seconds later, he Rommedahl starts a cross from the right to Suarez: dell'uruguaiano stop and ball in the net. The result has changed again and will remain so until the goal of Van der Wiel, who beat Romero after a bell'uno-two with De Zeeuw less than 10 minutes later.
statistics only on the twentieth goals (including those in Europe League) in twenty games Suarez upside of the attacker and the beautiful Italian skin, reaching the final minutes of the match, a result obtained.

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Now there is a forum Ajax Amsterdam!

After a successful blog as I have the pleasure to announce to you all fans and supporters of Ajax the inauguration of the Forum of Ajax Amsterdam, a place where you can interact more with us! The link is this
I'm waiting ... see you soon and hop Groet Ajax!

Friday, October 2, 2009

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Anderlecht - Ajax is a draw mocking

Again Ajax remains mired in a tie. The "Amsterdammers" start by pressing the foot on the accelerator, so much so that in the first quarter of an hour just missing the goal. Pantelic as offensive started with the terminal and that gravitates around Suarez, Jol's men actually attack in four, with which De Zeeuw, if necessary, starts missiles from twenty yards. But it is useless, why Proto is unsurpassed and even when it is almost beaten, as the sixteenth minute, we think the attackers pulled the ball out. In the final minutes of the first fraction comes out Anderlecht, especially with the young striker Romelu Lukaku, sixteen year old Congolese-born author of hundreds of goals with the meshes of the youth selections of the most prestigious club of Belgium.
Jol's move to break the balance is the entrance to Rommedahl in place of Kennedy. The first Danish will be provided by a good ball to the center where the evanescent Pantelic does not arrive on time (well, in fact, anticipate the onrushing De Zeeuw) and after fits very well on a beautiful cross from the band arrived sinistra: mittente Luis Suarez e destinatario assente ancora Marko Pantelic. Fortuna ha voluto che il danese fosse pronto ad infilare il pallone in rete, regalando una momentanea gioia all'Ajax.
Lo show di Dennis Rommedahl non finisce qui, perchè due minuti dopo brucia sullo scatto Deschacht, il quale lo atterra vistosamente in area di rigore. L'arbitro assegna una punizione dal limite dell'area, graziando nuovamente il difensore belga, capitano dell'Anderlecht, che già nei primi minuti di gioco aveva intercettato in area un cross con il braccio sinistro.
La pressione dell'Ajax si fa fortissima e qualche giocatore sembra non reggere più. Proprio l'ex Jelle Van Damme, infatti, dopo un entrata dura di De Zeeuw, reagisce in malo modo pushing and thus earning the entrance early in the locker room.
With the game in hand, however, the Dutch throw everything to the wind, ensuring Anderlecht, moved by pride, to go to fire twice with Lukaku. An extraordinary Stekelenburg can not do anything when, after a reverse of the usual Lukaku, Vertonghen and Alderweireld leave Legear free to check and download the ball into the top corner.
The final result is 1-1, the points are ranked 2 and 3 will be the ones to win against Dinamo Zagreb, winning yesterday in the home of Timisoara

Monday, September 21, 2009

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Joint Sections 11 November 2008: checkmate existential damage

La dottrina sul danno esistenziale sviluppatasi negli anni, a partire dai primi del ’90, ha consolidato la teoria secondo cui esiste una categoria autonoma di danno, c.d. esistenziale, nell’ambito della tutela risarcitoria del danno non patrimoniale. Tale categoria era ritenuta distinta dal danno biologico , in assenza della lesione dell’integrità psico-fisica, e dal danno morale, in quanto non attinente alla sfera interiore del sentire ma alla sfera del fare non reddituale del soggetto. Essa nasceva nell’intento di superare i limiti sanciti dall’art. 2059 relativi alla tutela risarcitoria per i pregiudizi di natura non patrimoniale. Si affermava che nel caso in cui il fatto illecito limitasse le attività realizzatrici of human activity, forcing the person to take the lives of everyday behavior different from past ones, it creates a new type of damage described by the term existential damage (P. Cendon, not for health alone that man lives, Studies in Rescigno, V, Milano, 1999). According to the landmark ruling of the Constitutional Court 233/03, preceded by the judgments, "mates" 8828 and 8827 of the 2003 Supreme Court of Cassation, the damage would be existential in the lesion consisted of constitutionally guaranteed rights and interests related to the human person other than the right to health , which upset the activities to-earnings of the injured party.

The transmission of this principle it is increasingly rooted in case law on the merits and legitimacy which has often used the argument that the existential damage must be understood as "any injury (non-emotional and purely internal, but objectively ascertainable) that alter the habits and relational structure of the subject, prompting him to different life choices, as the expression and realization of his personality to the outside world, those who would have been if he had not verified the harmful "(see Cass. n ON 24.03.2006 . 6572; Cass. 06/02/2007 No. 2546, Cass. 8/28/2007 No 18199). The United Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation judgments with no 26972, 26973, 26974 and 26975 11 novembre 2008, destinate a fare storia, hanno consacrato un cambiamento di rotta, cancellando il c.d. danno esistenziale, giudicandolo una “duplicazione del c.d. danno biologico e del danno morale”. Tanto sulla base del presupposto secondo cui il danno non patrimoniale “è categoria generale non suscettiva di suddivisione in sottocategorie variamente etichettate”. In particolare, osserva la Corte nella sentenza 26972, non può farsi riferimento ad una generica sottocategoria denominata danno esistenziale, perché attraverso questa si finisce per portare anche il danno non patrimoniale nell’atipicità, sia pure attraverso l’individuazione della apparente tipica figura categoriale del danno esistenziale, in cui tuttavia confluiscono fattispecie non necessariamente previste dalla norma ai fini della risarcibilità di tale tipo di danno, mentre tale situazione non è voluta dal legislatore ordinario ne è necessitata dall’interpretazione costituzionale dell’art. 2059 c.c., che rimane soddisfatta dalla tutela risarcitoria di specifici valori della persona presidiati da diritti inviolabili secondo Costituzione. Ciò però non implica un assoluto rifiuto della Suprema Corte in ordine al danno esistenziale, il quale benché non potrà più essere considerato come voce autonoma di danno non patrimoniale potrà, comunque, essere risarcito in virtù di una valutazione che il giudice dovrà compiere caso per caso; all’uopo the Supreme Court has let go some revealing example of such damages, tomorrow, and will no longer be compensated: it has, in fact, shared the orientation of the judgments "twin" in order to pay damages for loss or impairment of the relationship in the case of parental death or cause serious disability of a spouse, or the damage resulting from the invasion of the reputation, image, name, and confidentiality. Destiny will have the opposite bias, the anxieties, the right to quality of life, the well-being. According to the ermine of Palazzaccio damages to the person shall, in any event be complete in the sense that "should fully restore the damage, but no farther." As you said, then, for the court, from now on, to determine the actual existence of the alleged injury, "which identified a negative impact on value-man are reviewed and ensuring their full reparation", and bearing in mind that " items may only be biological damage in its dynamic aspect ... the prejudices concerning existential relational aspects of life, injury resulting from physical and mental integrity. " Ultimately the judgments under review the Supreme Court of Cassation has a fixed point on the items of compensable damage, eliminating the risk of compensation for damage bagatellari cd, or on the minor damage that does not affect the constitutional values. It is eliminated, then the possibility of recognizing the existential damage in cases, for example, a delay in the installation of a telephone system (Court of Milan 27/11/2000) or for breaking the lock of hair of the first girlfriend (P . Cendon, Op cit.)!


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Ajax, four goals to VVV Venlo ...

... but the result is a liar ! Without four
reti di Suarez, di gran lunga il giocatore più forte dell'intera Eredivisie, il match sarebbe stato diverso, visto che i lancieri di Amsterdam spesso hanno dovuto battagliare contro la squadra della cittadina di Limburg, piegata dopo pochi istanti dal primo gol di capitan Suarez, ma rinfrancata dalle occasioni avute da Ahahaoui, Schaken e dalla traballante, ma meritevole dei complimenti di Jol, difesa dell'Ajax.
Il tecnico, infatti, nelle dichiarazioni post-partita, ha voluto innanzitutto complimentarsi con la difesa "giovane" con cui l'Ajax ha giocato allo stadio Seacon De Koel. Complimenti anche per Anita, schierato a sorpresa al posto di de Jong per sostituire l'infortunato Enoh a centrocampo. Il mediano, infatti, ha completamente oscurato Keisuke Honda, which is the best player in the VVV in the first half of the season. Secondly, Jol spoke of the man of the match, no doubt the Uruguayan Suarez, minimizing the four networks and focusing on the fact that his game was not at all among the best. "It 's pretty strong," said the coach was born in The Hague, "can be dangerous even when he is fit enough." The coach of Ajax, in fact, demands the best from the captain, considering that the game has given the team's all designed to ensure that these will mark hoards of goals. With four goals yesterday, the Uruguayan has reached the milestone of 100 goals in the Eredivisie, including 71 with the shirt of Ajax, scoring for the third time at least three goals in a game (before yesterday, in fact, had scored all three 'RKC Waalwijk and four to Slovan Bratislava).

Friday, September 18, 2009

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Domain Ajax, but against the Timisoara does not go beyond the 0-0

sided with the excellent Siem de Jong to the center of the field, in place of the injured Enoh, Ajax players did not disappoint expectations, or almost ... In fact, at the expense of the many opportunities created (in the first 45 minutes was Suarez, Cvitanich and de Jong to move close to the goal) the final result was 0-0. The Romanians of Timisoara, arrived from Amsterdam Arena unbeaten in Europe, will continue to acquire this title at least until the next round, they face Dynamo Zagreb dall'Anderlecht defeat yesterday at home.

The frustration of the coach of Ajax, Martin Jol, also stems from the fact that the team is unable to finalize the many occasions had, especially when the balls start from the line of the corner. "If we see the positive side," said Jol, "we can say that we have maintained the pace of the game for the whole 90 minutes without giving anything to the opponents." "Usually," continued the coach of the Lancers' teams like the one we have faced difficult and often eventually manage to get the discrete occasions. With us, this has not happened. "

But be careful, Dear Jol, because yesterday the Ajax risked big.

At 75 minutes, in the one-it was the only ball-goal that the Romanians have, Stekelenburg has managed with great skill to resist, remaining in my opinion, deserves to be the true successor to Van der Sar in the Dutch national team. A defeat would have been too much burning and extremely undeserved.

Now, with Anderlecht in the group head for the red and white of the diktats Amsterdam is to win in two weeks, a game that should be taken away with the springs ...

Chapter market through le colonne del giornale olandese De Telegraaf, il tecnico dell'Ajax ha anche parlato del giovane attaccante sudcoreano Hi-Yung Seok ( nella foto ), arrivato da una decina di giorni a provare con la squadra. Il calciatore, vent'anni appena, ha decisamente convinto lo staff, che gli ha prolungato il periodo di prova.

Friday, July 3, 2009

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non-pecuniary damage as a result of demotion wrongful life

Article. 2103 cc protects workers and in particular states: "The employee must be used for the tasks for which they were hired. ...".
Downgrading category and / or pay is a financial and personal injury, undermining the dignity of the employee.
In the case of demotion and professional de-skilling, the injury caused the worker is potentially productive of financial loss, but also, if it were established , of non-pecuniary damage, in asoetti moral, biological and existential.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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This term refers to the damage caused by interference occurred in fetal life, whether it is psychological damage that could be determined in the unborn child, or existential damage . E'opportuno further distinguish between:
wrongful life , richiesta di risarcimento di un soggetto nato malformato, o con altra condizione di svantaggio esistenziale, nei confronti di genitori o terzi. Tale danno può essere conseguenza di un fatto anteriore al concepimento, o della malattia di uno o di entrambi i genitori, o conseguenza di una diagnosi errata prenatale che non abbia consentito alla madre di interrompere la gravidanza. Solo in quest’ultimo caso, individuato il fatto ingiusto, il risarcimento spetta non solo ai genitori, come danno psichico o esistenziale, ma anche al bambino stesso.
wrongful birth : richiesta di risarcimento dei genitori nei confronti di sanitari per atti di imperizia, imprudenza o negligenza avvenuti durante il parto.
wrongful pregnancy: a claim relating to the unplanned birth of a child due to errors in practice contraception, sterilization or abortion.

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Damage Damage from professional negligence

The professional misconduct Damage is damage caused by professional negligence, from the behavior of incompetence, negligence on the part of a professional negligence in respect of a client, or the failure or partial implementation of procedures or regulations approved the scientific community.
Where such professional misconduct, commission or omission, would cause an impairment of psycho-physical alteration of the personality of the person or in the outside world can claim compensation for not give capital, or both, depending on the consequences suffered. In case of death, the loss should be recognized for family members, and provides for compensation according to the criteria of damage mourning.

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Accidents at work Bullying Working

Article. 2087 cc obliges the employer to protect the physical and mental harm to its employees. This rule places on the employer's specific requirements and guarantee protection for individuals, thus aggravating the crime, may result in prosecution office.
employer's liability is contractual, it is the same employer, under Article . 1218 cc, who has the burden of proving that the breach of contractual services was due to causes not attributable to him. Instead, the worker must prove the existence of damage, ie damage to mental and the causal link between job performance and give it is biological damage or existential damage. The
Leg. 626 of 1994, affirms the importance of health and safety at work. The workplace must ensure the physical well-being of workers. The
Leg. 38 of 2000 "Provisions relating to insurance against work accidents and occupational diseases," reported in the tables of assessment of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, taking into account for the first time in the history of this subject, in addition to loss of earning capacity, even the psychic nature of biological damage .
Even a psychic damage resulting from an act of harassment may be compensated by INAIL, although not present in the tables of this Decree as article 10 of Legislative Decree no. 38/2000 defines "occupational diseases, including those not included in the tables, of which the employee shows the source professionale”.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

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Per “mobbing” si intende non una patologia, ma una forma di terrore psicologico messa in atto nell’ambiente di lavoro mediante una serie di comportamenti aggressivi e vessatori deliberatamente voluti, ripetuti nel tempo, da parte del datore di lavoro, superiori o colleghi nei confronti di una vittima designata.
La persona oggetto di mobbing viene messa in una posizione di debolezza e aggredita in modo più o meno diretto, da una o più persone per un lungo periodo con lo scopo e/o la conseguenza della sua estromissione dal mondo del lavoro.
Le condotte mobbizzanti riguardano strategie comportamentali che impediscono alla vittima di esprimersi, la isolano, distruggono la sua reputazione agli occhi dei colleghi, la discreditano nel suo lavoro, ne compromettono la salute affidandogli incarichi gravosi, stressanti o pericolosi.
La vittima di mobbing perde gradatamente la stima professionale di sé e la motivazione al lavoro nel contesto socio-ambientale di riferimento. Le azioni di mobbing possono provocare alterazioni riguardanti:
- l’equilibrio socio-emotivo della vittima, che potrà sviluppare sintomi quali ansia, depressione, attacchi di panico, isolamento, ossessioni e depersonalizzazione;
- l’equilibrio psico-fisico attraverso la comparsa di sintomi psico-somatici quali: cefalea, vertigini, tachicardia, disturbi gastrointestinali, sleep disturbance, sexual function,
- behavioral problems such as tendency to passivity, lack of appetite, aggressive gestures or straight drive, abuse of alcohol or drugs.
aggression to the psychic realm of the individual will result in an impairment to their physical or mental integrity, that is in a state of true psychopathology (biological damage) or a series of changes in the way of being in labor relations, social, affecting families and finally the full expression of his personality to the outside world (existential damage).
If the employee mobbed see compromised, temporarily or permanently disabling sequelae, the their health, the employer is called to respond fully in civil mental and physical integrity of the lesion on the basis of art. 32 of the Constitution, but mainly in terms of art. 2087 cc governing contractual liability in the employment relationship and that obliges him to adopt measures necessary to protect the physical integrity and the moral personality of the worker. The moral personality is also protected by Article .2 Constitution, and in particular Article. 41 of the Constitution, which enshrines the ban on private enterprise to harm the safety, freedom and human dignity.
In criminal court, according to Legislative Decree no. 626/1994, the employer is responsible, together with the workers, safety and health of workers at work, and is subject to criminal penalties for the omission.
With regard to harassment in the workplace, are also accused of crime are all those activities that have characterized as criminal in itself: dall'ingiuria (art. 594 cp) and defamation (art. 595 cp) to harassment and telephone harassment ( art. 660 cp), sexual violence (Article 609bis Criminal Code), infringement, misappropriation and suppression of correspondence (art.616 penal code), to the kidnapping (art. 605 cp), battery (art. 581 cp) to injury (art. 582 cp) murder (art.575 penal code) or incitement to help suicide (art.580 penal code).
As in any other type of personal injury, once recognized liability, civil or criminal, a "mobber", the law requires him to damages under Articles 185 and 2043 cc cp
Even if of "shared responsibility" mobbed the worker is not allowed to exempt the employer from liability for compensation for damage caused by negligent or reckless conduct of the person offended. The hostile actions can not be excluded even if the employee had contributed with their own behavior to create a situation of environmental incompatibility, or had accepted tasks difficult and stressful.

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The Existential Damage Damage

The existential damage (refundable according to article 2059 Civil Code and Art. 2 of the Constitution;) is worsening or impoverishment of the quality of life of an individual resulting from an impairment of value people, constitutionally guaranteed, and that affect the actual explanation of the personality of the subject in the outside world.
Unlike the biological damage, the damage does not affect the existence of good health injury, but the worsening of objectively verifiable conditions for the existence of an individual, due to not being able to do, or a decreased range of activities in comparison what could fare laddove il fatto ingiusto non avesse avuto luogo”.
E’ fondamentale, ai fini risarcitori, che la violazione riguardi interessi di rango costituzionale inerenti alla persona, di contenuto apprezzabile, che si sostanziano nell’alterazione di attività ritenute fondamentali per lo sviluppo e la piena realizzazione della personalità, quali:
•attività di carattere biologico-sussistenziale
•relazioni affettive e familiari
•relazioni sociali
•attività di carattere culturale e religioso
•attività ludiche e sportive
Le modificazioni dei normali ritmi di vita e delle attività quotidiane del danneggiato producono solitamente uno stato di discomfort, while not ending up in a real disease, has a negative impact on quality of life of the subject. The victim of existential damage can manifest change in personality, in its own way of being, the first consisting of lack of interest in pleasurable activities, in as fatigue, a tendency to passivity, the closing itself, in sleep disorders, questions about the meaning of life, decreased appetite, sexual activity, etc..
Our intervention assessment of damages existential provides the detection of such behavioral changes, their relationship with personality traits of the subject, with the relevance of the interest infringed, with the value and assume that interest within the meaning of life and personal history of the subject, with activities undertaken by the victim prior to the event and detrimental changes caused in the family and society.

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biological and psychological nature of biological damage

The biological damage ico (compensated according to Article 2059 Civil Code and Article 32 of the Constitution;), namely the "impairment of psychophysical integrity of the person in and of itself considered as impact on value in man all its concrete dimension, which is not completed by merely ability to produce wealth, but is linked to the sum of the natural functions relating to the subject in the where life unfolds, and which are relevant not only economic but also biological, social, cultural and aesthetic "(Judgement No. 184/86 of the Constitutional Court).

The temporary or permanent injury of good primary health care, in itself regarded as inviolable human right (Article 32 of the Constitution), and extend well into the fullness of life, physical, application of their personality to the outside world, the reproductive sphere, the spiritual, emotional, familial, social, sports, and worthy of compensation notwithstanding any impact on the income capacity of the subject.

The biological damage, to be tale, ha come presupposto l’insorgenza di una condizione patologica nello stato di salute, suscettibile di accertamento medico-legale.

Nello specifico, il danno biologico di natura psichic a corrisponde alla menomazione, temporanea o permanente, di una o più funzioni psichiche del danneggiato con conseguente impedimento dell’espressione della propria personalità nel mondo esterno.

Il danno psichico consiste in un’alterazione dell’equilibrio psichico del soggetto, nell'insorgenza di un vero e proprio disturbo psicopatologico, che deve essere diagnosticato tramite consulenza tecnica effettuata da professionisti, psicologi o psichiatri forensi, e ricondotto all’evento lesivo that caused it. A

once the responsibility of the person who committed the crime and the existence of a psychic damage, is in fact crucial, for the purposes of claims, prove the causal link between the damage suffered, in this case, the supervening condition and psychopathological the unlawful act.

In the case of biological damage of a physical nature, for example, reported a fracture after a car accident, will be relatively easy to identify the causal link between the damage and the event. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to demonstrate the onset of psychopathology.

In this case our intervention assessment of psychological damage is based on a careful analysis of the personality characteristics of the subject of any disease present before the event, the grounds have appeared in his own life and psychological consequences due to the impairment of the fundamental aspects of the person such employment, social and family ties.

Dr. Andrea Salvucci

Friday, June 26, 2009

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Technical Consultancy for the existential and psychological damages. Psychological tests

Currently our legal system, in addition to material damage known , two other types of non-pecuniary damage , where you can claim compensation:

1) the of biological damage that is the psychic damage of psicofisica, accertabile in sede medico-legale. Il danno psichico è per definizione un danno multifattoriale, il cui fatto illecito è solamente uno dei molti antecedenti causali, è quindi necessaria un’attenta analisi della personalità al fine di individuare il nesso di causa fra l’evento illecito e il danno rilevato, necessario per l’attribuzione del risarcimento.

Per Danno Esistenziale si intende ogni pregiudizio provocato sul fare areddituale del soggetto, che alteri le sue abitudini e gli assetti relazionali propri, inducendo scelte di vita diverse quanto all’espressione e realizzazione della sua personalità nel mondo esterno. Sono considerati interessi essenziali inscritti nel registro del Danno Esistenziale: Salute, Famiglia, Reputazione, Libertà di pensiero, Affetti e reciproca solidarietà, Lavoro.

Gli ambiti in cui può essere chiesto un risarcimento per danno biologico o esistenziale sono moltissimi, in quanto comprendono in sé qualsiasi danno dovuto a comportamento ingiusto altrui che produca una sofferenza nella vita dell’individuo, o una lesione dell’integrità psicofisica, o un peggioramento della qualità della vita di un individuo derivante dalla lesione di valori fondamentali alla persona, costituzionalmente garantiti . Rientrano quindi in queste categorie i seguenti ambiti:

Danno da lutto
Infortunistica Stradale
Infortunistica Damage from professional negligence professional

Damage Damage Mobbing Mobbing
working family and marital
Damage Damage
demotion wrongful life

Environmental damage Damage to the reputation
cosmetic damage Damage to

sexual maltreatment on women or children
Abuse on women or children

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Reagents mental psychodiagnostic tools that allow you to make an assessment of both quantitative and qualitative mental processes of an individual.
This measurement is known as psychometric, as included within a range of scores made on average values \u200b\u200bobtained from A sample of the population that is significantly membership. Usually
reactive mind are divided into two broad categories:
tests or level of efficiency, which measure the intellectual ability of an individual or any degree of mental deterioration.
The personality test, in furtherance of aspects of emotional life and relational attitudes, highlighting the features of "normal" and those psychopathological. These can be further divided into:
Test objectives: questionnaires and personality inventories based on simple questions that the subject must respond, and relate to many aspects of mental life, relationships, work, emotional.
projective tests: tests based on ambiguous stimuli, ill-defined that the person moving through a projective perceptual organization. A careful examination
psychodiagnostic personality, usually involves the use of several interviews and a battery of tests including both level test, both objective and projective personality test. This makes it possible to complement and supplement the information we have on the individual reactive psychic structure of the subject and arrive at a correct diagnosis.
If the psychodiagnostic should investigate the presence of specific disorders (eg anxiety) or special functions and capabilities of the subject (such as memory o l’apprendimento scolastico), sceglierà uno o più strumenti diagnostici ritenuti adeguati al fine diagnostico.
In ogni caso la diagnosi testologica deve essere sempre confermata dai dati clinici emersi durante i colloqui. La descrizione dei processi mentali e il funzionamento psichico globale ottenuti dai test, possono trovare un significato solamente all’interno della storia personale dell'individuo, del suo modo di vivere relazioni, affetti ed esperienze, con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche del contesto familiare e sociale all'interno del quale il soggetto vive. E’ possibile, infatti, che situazioni conflittuali dipendano non solo da disposizioni interne psicopatologiche, ma da conflitti interpersonali, come spesso happens in the process of separation between spouses or family problems.
The use of both tests can identify those functional and dysfunctional aspects of the personality of an individual, understand the available resources and potential, its weaknesses and strengths, provide valuable indicators to identify the clinical treatment appropriate. The diagnosis, in this sense is understood as a diagnosis of a project that requires particular attention to the prognostic evaluation, the type of treatment appropriate, respecting individual autonomy and stimulating resources.
The use and interpretation of tests, particularly projective tests is very complex, and requires training and expertise not only textology and psychometric, but also clinical, psychopathological and psychodynamic, taking care to integrate elements of statistical rules with standardized content '. It 'so important that tests be administered by an experienced professional who has made a special training. The
psychodiagnosis made in our study of psychology make use of the test most frequently used in clinical and forensic field, recognized by the international scientific community as valid and reliable, based on rigorous research and constant updates.
The tests used for adults are:

Rorschach, MMPI, MMPI2
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Matrici di Raven.
Reattivi mentali utilizzati per infanzia e adolescenza:
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Scale specifiche per la valutazione di ansia e depressione
Beck Depression Inventory
Hamilton Depression Scale
Hamilton Anxiety Scal
“Self-rating anxiety State” di Zung
S.T.A.I. Questionario per la valutazione dell’ansia di stato e di tratto.