Friday, June 26, 2009

Nipple Pain After Menstration

Reagents mental psychodiagnostic tools that allow you to make an assessment of both quantitative and qualitative mental processes of an individual.
This measurement is known as psychometric, as included within a range of scores made on average values \u200b\u200bobtained from A sample of the population that is significantly membership. Usually
reactive mind are divided into two broad categories:
tests or level of efficiency, which measure the intellectual ability of an individual or any degree of mental deterioration.
The personality test, in furtherance of aspects of emotional life and relational attitudes, highlighting the features of "normal" and those psychopathological. These can be further divided into:
Test objectives: questionnaires and personality inventories based on simple questions that the subject must respond, and relate to many aspects of mental life, relationships, work, emotional.
projective tests: tests based on ambiguous stimuli, ill-defined that the person moving through a projective perceptual organization. A careful examination
psychodiagnostic personality, usually involves the use of several interviews and a battery of tests including both level test, both objective and projective personality test. This makes it possible to complement and supplement the information we have on the individual reactive psychic structure of the subject and arrive at a correct diagnosis.
If the psychodiagnostic should investigate the presence of specific disorders (eg anxiety) or special functions and capabilities of the subject (such as memory o l’apprendimento scolastico), sceglierà uno o più strumenti diagnostici ritenuti adeguati al fine diagnostico.
In ogni caso la diagnosi testologica deve essere sempre confermata dai dati clinici emersi durante i colloqui. La descrizione dei processi mentali e il funzionamento psichico globale ottenuti dai test, possono trovare un significato solamente all’interno della storia personale dell'individuo, del suo modo di vivere relazioni, affetti ed esperienze, con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche del contesto familiare e sociale all'interno del quale il soggetto vive. E’ possibile, infatti, che situazioni conflittuali dipendano non solo da disposizioni interne psicopatologiche, ma da conflitti interpersonali, come spesso happens in the process of separation between spouses or family problems.
The use of both tests can identify those functional and dysfunctional aspects of the personality of an individual, understand the available resources and potential, its weaknesses and strengths, provide valuable indicators to identify the clinical treatment appropriate. The diagnosis, in this sense is understood as a diagnosis of a project that requires particular attention to the prognostic evaluation, the type of treatment appropriate, respecting individual autonomy and stimulating resources.
The use and interpretation of tests, particularly projective tests is very complex, and requires training and expertise not only textology and psychometric, but also clinical, psychopathological and psychodynamic, taking care to integrate elements of statistical rules with standardized content '. It 'so important that tests be administered by an experienced professional who has made a special training. The
psychodiagnosis made in our study of psychology make use of the test most frequently used in clinical and forensic field, recognized by the international scientific community as valid and reliable, based on rigorous research and constant updates.
The tests used for adults are:

Rorschach, MMPI, MMPI2
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Matrici di Raven.
Reattivi mentali utilizzati per infanzia e adolescenza:
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Scale specifiche per la valutazione di ansia e depressione
Beck Depression Inventory
Hamilton Depression Scale
Hamilton Anxiety Scal
“Self-rating anxiety State” di Zung
S.T.A.I. Questionario per la valutazione dell’ansia di stato e di tratto.


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