Friday, October 2, 2009

Funny Get Well Hysterectomy

Anderlecht - Ajax is a draw mocking

Again Ajax remains mired in a tie. The "Amsterdammers" start by pressing the foot on the accelerator, so much so that in the first quarter of an hour just missing the goal. Pantelic as offensive started with the terminal and that gravitates around Suarez, Jol's men actually attack in four, with which De Zeeuw, if necessary, starts missiles from twenty yards. But it is useless, why Proto is unsurpassed and even when it is almost beaten, as the sixteenth minute, we think the attackers pulled the ball out. In the final minutes of the first fraction comes out Anderlecht, especially with the young striker Romelu Lukaku, sixteen year old Congolese-born author of hundreds of goals with the meshes of the youth selections of the most prestigious club of Belgium.
Jol's move to break the balance is the entrance to Rommedahl in place of Kennedy. The first Danish will be provided by a good ball to the center where the evanescent Pantelic does not arrive on time (well, in fact, anticipate the onrushing De Zeeuw) and after fits very well on a beautiful cross from the band arrived sinistra: mittente Luis Suarez e destinatario assente ancora Marko Pantelic. Fortuna ha voluto che il danese fosse pronto ad infilare il pallone in rete, regalando una momentanea gioia all'Ajax.
Lo show di Dennis Rommedahl non finisce qui, perchè due minuti dopo brucia sullo scatto Deschacht, il quale lo atterra vistosamente in area di rigore. L'arbitro assegna una punizione dal limite dell'area, graziando nuovamente il difensore belga, capitano dell'Anderlecht, che già nei primi minuti di gioco aveva intercettato in area un cross con il braccio sinistro.
La pressione dell'Ajax si fa fortissima e qualche giocatore sembra non reggere più. Proprio l'ex Jelle Van Damme, infatti, dopo un entrata dura di De Zeeuw, reagisce in malo modo pushing and thus earning the entrance early in the locker room.
With the game in hand, however, the Dutch throw everything to the wind, ensuring Anderlecht, moved by pride, to go to fire twice with Lukaku. An extraordinary Stekelenburg can not do anything when, after a reverse of the usual Lukaku, Vertonghen and Alderweireld leave Legear free to check and download the ball into the top corner.
The final result is 1-1, the points are ranked 2 and 3 will be the ones to win against Dinamo Zagreb, winning yesterday in the home of Timisoara


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