Saturday, June 27, 2009

Effects Of Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate

biological and psychological nature of biological damage

The biological damage ico (compensated according to Article 2059 Civil Code and Article 32 of the Constitution;), namely the "impairment of psychophysical integrity of the person in and of itself considered as impact on value in man all its concrete dimension, which is not completed by merely ability to produce wealth, but is linked to the sum of the natural functions relating to the subject in the where life unfolds, and which are relevant not only economic but also biological, social, cultural and aesthetic "(Judgement No. 184/86 of the Constitutional Court).

The temporary or permanent injury of good primary health care, in itself regarded as inviolable human right (Article 32 of the Constitution), and extend well into the fullness of life, physical, application of their personality to the outside world, the reproductive sphere, the spiritual, emotional, familial, social, sports, and worthy of compensation notwithstanding any impact on the income capacity of the subject.

The biological damage, to be tale, ha come presupposto l’insorgenza di una condizione patologica nello stato di salute, suscettibile di accertamento medico-legale.

Nello specifico, il danno biologico di natura psichic a corrisponde alla menomazione, temporanea o permanente, di una o più funzioni psichiche del danneggiato con conseguente impedimento dell’espressione della propria personalità nel mondo esterno.

Il danno psichico consiste in un’alterazione dell’equilibrio psichico del soggetto, nell'insorgenza di un vero e proprio disturbo psicopatologico, che deve essere diagnosticato tramite consulenza tecnica effettuata da professionisti, psicologi o psichiatri forensi, e ricondotto all’evento lesivo that caused it. A

once the responsibility of the person who committed the crime and the existence of a psychic damage, is in fact crucial, for the purposes of claims, prove the causal link between the damage suffered, in this case, the supervening condition and psychopathological the unlawful act.

In the case of biological damage of a physical nature, for example, reported a fracture after a car accident, will be relatively easy to identify the causal link between the damage and the event. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to demonstrate the onset of psychopathology.

In this case our intervention assessment of psychological damage is based on a careful analysis of the personality characteristics of the subject of any disease present before the event, the grounds have appeared in his own life and psychological consequences due to the impairment of the fundamental aspects of the person such employment, social and family ties.

Dr. Andrea Salvucci


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