Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nadine Jensen Tied Up

Per “mobbing” si intende non una patologia, ma una forma di terrore psicologico messa in atto nell’ambiente di lavoro mediante una serie di comportamenti aggressivi e vessatori deliberatamente voluti, ripetuti nel tempo, da parte del datore di lavoro, superiori o colleghi nei confronti di una vittima designata.
La persona oggetto di mobbing viene messa in una posizione di debolezza e aggredita in modo più o meno diretto, da una o più persone per un lungo periodo con lo scopo e/o la conseguenza della sua estromissione dal mondo del lavoro.
Le condotte mobbizzanti riguardano strategie comportamentali che impediscono alla vittima di esprimersi, la isolano, distruggono la sua reputazione agli occhi dei colleghi, la discreditano nel suo lavoro, ne compromettono la salute affidandogli incarichi gravosi, stressanti o pericolosi.
La vittima di mobbing perde gradatamente la stima professionale di sé e la motivazione al lavoro nel contesto socio-ambientale di riferimento. Le azioni di mobbing possono provocare alterazioni riguardanti:
- l’equilibrio socio-emotivo della vittima, che potrà sviluppare sintomi quali ansia, depressione, attacchi di panico, isolamento, ossessioni e depersonalizzazione;
- l’equilibrio psico-fisico attraverso la comparsa di sintomi psico-somatici quali: cefalea, vertigini, tachicardia, disturbi gastrointestinali, sleep disturbance, sexual function,
- behavioral problems such as tendency to passivity, lack of appetite, aggressive gestures or straight drive, abuse of alcohol or drugs.
aggression to the psychic realm of the individual will result in an impairment to their physical or mental integrity, that is in a state of true psychopathology (biological damage) or a series of changes in the way of being in labor relations, social, affecting families and finally the full expression of his personality to the outside world (existential damage).
If the employee mobbed see compromised, temporarily or permanently disabling sequelae, the their health, the employer is called to respond fully in civil mental and physical integrity of the lesion on the basis of art. 32 of the Constitution, but mainly in terms of art. 2087 cc governing contractual liability in the employment relationship and that obliges him to adopt measures necessary to protect the physical integrity and the moral personality of the worker. The moral personality is also protected by Article .2 Constitution, and in particular Article. 41 of the Constitution, which enshrines the ban on private enterprise to harm the safety, freedom and human dignity.
In criminal court, according to Legislative Decree no. 626/1994, the employer is responsible, together with the workers, safety and health of workers at work, and is subject to criminal penalties for the omission.
With regard to harassment in the workplace, are also accused of crime are all those activities that have characterized as criminal in itself: dall'ingiuria (art. 594 cp) and defamation (art. 595 cp) to harassment and telephone harassment ( art. 660 cp), sexual violence (Article 609bis Criminal Code), infringement, misappropriation and suppression of correspondence (art.616 penal code), to the kidnapping (art. 605 cp), battery (art. 581 cp) to injury (art. 582 cp) murder (art.575 penal code) or incitement to help suicide (art.580 penal code).
As in any other type of personal injury, once recognized liability, civil or criminal, a "mobber", the law requires him to damages under Articles 185 and 2043 cc cp
Even if of "shared responsibility" mobbed the worker is not allowed to exempt the employer from liability for compensation for damage caused by negligent or reckless conduct of the person offended. The hostile actions can not be excluded even if the employee had contributed with their own behavior to create a situation of environmental incompatibility, or had accepted tasks difficult and stressful.

Object Oriented Advantages And Disadvantages

The Existential Damage Damage

The existential damage (refundable according to article 2059 Civil Code and Art. 2 of the Constitution;) is worsening or impoverishment of the quality of life of an individual resulting from an impairment of value people, constitutionally guaranteed, and that affect the actual explanation of the personality of the subject in the outside world.
Unlike the biological damage, the damage does not affect the existence of good health injury, but the worsening of objectively verifiable conditions for the existence of an individual, due to not being able to do, or a decreased range of activities in comparison what could fare laddove il fatto ingiusto non avesse avuto luogo”.
E’ fondamentale, ai fini risarcitori, che la violazione riguardi interessi di rango costituzionale inerenti alla persona, di contenuto apprezzabile, che si sostanziano nell’alterazione di attività ritenute fondamentali per lo sviluppo e la piena realizzazione della personalità, quali:
•attività di carattere biologico-sussistenziale
•relazioni affettive e familiari
•relazioni sociali
•attività di carattere culturale e religioso
•attività ludiche e sportive
Le modificazioni dei normali ritmi di vita e delle attività quotidiane del danneggiato producono solitamente uno stato di discomfort, while not ending up in a real disease, has a negative impact on quality of life of the subject. The victim of existential damage can manifest change in personality, in its own way of being, the first consisting of lack of interest in pleasurable activities, in as fatigue, a tendency to passivity, the closing itself, in sleep disorders, questions about the meaning of life, decreased appetite, sexual activity, etc..
Our intervention assessment of damages existential provides the detection of such behavioral changes, their relationship with personality traits of the subject, with the relevance of the interest infringed, with the value and assume that interest within the meaning of life and personal history of the subject, with activities undertaken by the victim prior to the event and detrimental changes caused in the family and society.

Effects Of Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate

biological and psychological nature of biological damage

The biological damage ico (compensated according to Article 2059 Civil Code and Article 32 of the Constitution;), namely the "impairment of psychophysical integrity of the person in and of itself considered as impact on value in man all its concrete dimension, which is not completed by merely ability to produce wealth, but is linked to the sum of the natural functions relating to the subject in the where life unfolds, and which are relevant not only economic but also biological, social, cultural and aesthetic "(Judgement No. 184/86 of the Constitutional Court).

The temporary or permanent injury of good primary health care, in itself regarded as inviolable human right (Article 32 of the Constitution), and extend well into the fullness of life, physical, application of their personality to the outside world, the reproductive sphere, the spiritual, emotional, familial, social, sports, and worthy of compensation notwithstanding any impact on the income capacity of the subject.

The biological damage, to be tale, ha come presupposto l’insorgenza di una condizione patologica nello stato di salute, suscettibile di accertamento medico-legale.

Nello specifico, il danno biologico di natura psichic a corrisponde alla menomazione, temporanea o permanente, di una o più funzioni psichiche del danneggiato con conseguente impedimento dell’espressione della propria personalità nel mondo esterno.

Il danno psichico consiste in un’alterazione dell’equilibrio psichico del soggetto, nell'insorgenza di un vero e proprio disturbo psicopatologico, che deve essere diagnosticato tramite consulenza tecnica effettuata da professionisti, psicologi o psichiatri forensi, e ricondotto all’evento lesivo that caused it. A

once the responsibility of the person who committed the crime and the existence of a psychic damage, is in fact crucial, for the purposes of claims, prove the causal link between the damage suffered, in this case, the supervening condition and psychopathological the unlawful act.

In the case of biological damage of a physical nature, for example, reported a fracture after a car accident, will be relatively easy to identify the causal link between the damage and the event. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to demonstrate the onset of psychopathology.

In this case our intervention assessment of psychological damage is based on a careful analysis of the personality characteristics of the subject of any disease present before the event, the grounds have appeared in his own life and psychological consequences due to the impairment of the fundamental aspects of the person such employment, social and family ties.

Dr. Andrea Salvucci

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fluid That Is Lost Before Menustration

Technical Consultancy for the existential and psychological damages. Psychological tests

Currently our legal system, in addition to material damage known , two other types of non-pecuniary damage , where you can claim compensation:

1) the of biological damage that is the psychic damage of psicofisica, accertabile in sede medico-legale. Il danno psichico è per definizione un danno multifattoriale, il cui fatto illecito è solamente uno dei molti antecedenti causali, è quindi necessaria un’attenta analisi della personalità al fine di individuare il nesso di causa fra l’evento illecito e il danno rilevato, necessario per l’attribuzione del risarcimento.

Per Danno Esistenziale si intende ogni pregiudizio provocato sul fare areddituale del soggetto, che alteri le sue abitudini e gli assetti relazionali propri, inducendo scelte di vita diverse quanto all’espressione e realizzazione della sua personalità nel mondo esterno. Sono considerati interessi essenziali inscritti nel registro del Danno Esistenziale: Salute, Famiglia, Reputazione, Libertà di pensiero, Affetti e reciproca solidarietà, Lavoro.

Gli ambiti in cui può essere chiesto un risarcimento per danno biologico o esistenziale sono moltissimi, in quanto comprendono in sé qualsiasi danno dovuto a comportamento ingiusto altrui che produca una sofferenza nella vita dell’individuo, o una lesione dell’integrità psicofisica, o un peggioramento della qualità della vita di un individuo derivante dalla lesione di valori fondamentali alla persona, costituzionalmente garantiti . Rientrano quindi in queste categorie i seguenti ambiti:

Danno da lutto
Infortunistica Stradale
Infortunistica Damage from professional negligence professional

Damage Damage Mobbing Mobbing
working family and marital
Damage Damage
demotion wrongful life

Environmental damage Damage to the reputation
cosmetic damage Damage to

sexual maltreatment on women or children
Abuse on women or children

Nipple Pain After Menstration

Reagents mental psychodiagnostic tools that allow you to make an assessment of both quantitative and qualitative mental processes of an individual.
This measurement is known as psychometric, as included within a range of scores made on average values \u200b\u200bobtained from A sample of the population that is significantly membership. Usually
reactive mind are divided into two broad categories:
tests or level of efficiency, which measure the intellectual ability of an individual or any degree of mental deterioration.
The personality test, in furtherance of aspects of emotional life and relational attitudes, highlighting the features of "normal" and those psychopathological. These can be further divided into:
Test objectives: questionnaires and personality inventories based on simple questions that the subject must respond, and relate to many aspects of mental life, relationships, work, emotional.
projective tests: tests based on ambiguous stimuli, ill-defined that the person moving through a projective perceptual organization. A careful examination
psychodiagnostic personality, usually involves the use of several interviews and a battery of tests including both level test, both objective and projective personality test. This makes it possible to complement and supplement the information we have on the individual reactive psychic structure of the subject and arrive at a correct diagnosis.
If the psychodiagnostic should investigate the presence of specific disorders (eg anxiety) or special functions and capabilities of the subject (such as memory o l’apprendimento scolastico), sceglierà uno o più strumenti diagnostici ritenuti adeguati al fine diagnostico.
In ogni caso la diagnosi testologica deve essere sempre confermata dai dati clinici emersi durante i colloqui. La descrizione dei processi mentali e il funzionamento psichico globale ottenuti dai test, possono trovare un significato solamente all’interno della storia personale dell'individuo, del suo modo di vivere relazioni, affetti ed esperienze, con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche del contesto familiare e sociale all'interno del quale il soggetto vive. E’ possibile, infatti, che situazioni conflittuali dipendano non solo da disposizioni interne psicopatologiche, ma da conflitti interpersonali, come spesso happens in the process of separation between spouses or family problems.
The use of both tests can identify those functional and dysfunctional aspects of the personality of an individual, understand the available resources and potential, its weaknesses and strengths, provide valuable indicators to identify the clinical treatment appropriate. The diagnosis, in this sense is understood as a diagnosis of a project that requires particular attention to the prognostic evaluation, the type of treatment appropriate, respecting individual autonomy and stimulating resources.
The use and interpretation of tests, particularly projective tests is very complex, and requires training and expertise not only textology and psychometric, but also clinical, psychopathological and psychodynamic, taking care to integrate elements of statistical rules with standardized content '. It 'so important that tests be administered by an experienced professional who has made a special training. The
psychodiagnosis made in our study of psychology make use of the test most frequently used in clinical and forensic field, recognized by the international scientific community as valid and reliable, based on rigorous research and constant updates.
The tests used for adults are:

Rorschach, MMPI, MMPI2
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Matrici di Raven.
Reattivi mentali utilizzati per infanzia e adolescenza:
Test Grafici (Figura Umana, Albero, Famiglia),
Scale specifiche per la valutazione di ansia e depressione
Beck Depression Inventory
Hamilton Depression Scale
Hamilton Anxiety Scal
“Self-rating anxiety State” di Zung
S.T.A.I. Questionario per la valutazione dell’ansia di stato e di tratto.