misstep in Breda Ajax
Back with the body in the Netherlands, but with the mind probably still in Portugal, where the retreat was held during the winter break dell'Eredivisie.
There were so many expectations for today's match, considering that the NAC was devoid of Matthew Amoah, Ghanaian striker engaged in the African Nations Cup, like the median ajacide Enoh. A substitute (excellently, at least in the first half) Amoah, we thought Ellery Cairo, wildcard midfield, on occasion, he can also make the point. Just the number of gialloneri 20, in fact, leads his advantage in arguing his shot from the ground. To slip the ball goes in the corner to the right of Stekelenburg, poorly defended from its rear. The absence of the aforementioned
Enoh, in addition to those important and Aissati Pantelic, Martin Jol forced to redraw Rasmus Lindgren, given as a runner until a few days ago, and launch into the fray Christian Eriksen, talented young Danish team of A1 ' Ajax. And if Eriksen immediately showed personality, trying a couple of occasions in the shot from twenty yards, Lindgren is primarily to make a difference: in addition to fill in the offensive forces of the NAC, which take advantage of the speed on the left to point to a nervous Leonardo Anita and an uninspired Emanuelson, lo svedese segna di testa la rete del pareggio, che rende meno amaro il pomeriggio della squadra di Amsterdam, apparsa quasi incapace di giocare il pallone e che, ancora una volta, ha palesato dei pesanti limiti in difesa.
Il futuro a breve termine riserva alcune sfide piuttosto difficili: AZ, Nec, Psv, Twente, Heerenveen, Juventus ed Utrecht. Un filotto di grandi sfide che l'Ajax deve necessariamente vincere per poter risalire la china.
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