Monday, December 27, 2010

What Movement Does You Tricep Do

Guberti: 29 dicembre

Tomorrow, December 29th at the Court of Ravenna will be held the hearing to the process Guberti. It will be the toughest audience of this process so far, the one with all the evidence. Our association, as well as a civil party, has given the list of witnesses to be heard by the judge tomorrow. The randomness of the date takes us back to those days of its seizure, it is difficult for us to forget. Thanks again all those who worked to save the dogs, law enforcement, volunteers, thank you so the other lawyer of Bologna Antonio Romeo who represents us in this cause.

L’Occhio Verde

Monday, December 20, 2010

Top Secret Clearance Denied At Ocs


Al nostro precedente appello per il rinnovo della convenzione del servizio di reperibilità zooiatrica per Cervia e Russi, non è seguita alcuna risposta né in modo diretto né a mezzo stampa. Quali associazioni e cittadini siamo tutt’ora preoccupati poiché dal 1 gennaio in detti Comuni se un animale starà male di notte non si saprà dove sbattere la testa. Pertanto CHIEDIAMO nuovamente il rinnovo della convenzione che tra l’altro al Comune costa 1.300 euro l’anno, quindi una cifra esigua. Nel frattempo informeremo i cittadini tramite volantinaggio a Cervia e a Russi.

Animal Liberation

Animal Freedom

Cruelty Free


Lega per l’abolizione della caccia

L’Occhio Verde

Ravenna Punto a Capo

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Morrowind Russian Version English Patch

earrings made with Swarovski crystals and silver studs

sold-sold out

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When Does A Baby's Head Drop

parure made with Swarovski flowers and silver components

sold-sold out

Arabic Expressions For Condolences

Red Garden Light Garden Dark Garden

parure made with Swarovski flowers and silver components

Westley Pipes Sayings

parure made with Swarovski flowers and silver components

Fascinating Facts About Cystic Fibrosis

parure made with hearts and blue-swarovski silver components

What Formula Does Wic Give In California

White Christmas Night

Earrings made with Swarovski snowflakes and silver pins

Remote Controlled Colicopter Shops In Mumbai


earrings and pins made with Swarovski Star Silver

Friday, December 10, 2010

List Of Ftse 100 Companies By Market Cap


Video of the same story a year ago:

Last year, just a few days before Christmas, the City of Ravenna had indicated their intention to abolish the 118 vet. With a little 'pressing of the associations, face book and the good will of all, the agreement was renewed with veterinarians and the public can still enjoy the public service. This year seems to repeat the pre-Christmas story: the City of Ravenna has renewed the agreement, but those of Cervia and Russians would appear to have the intention. So from January 1 to Cervia and Russians if an animal has health problems or dying there will be no 118 service for assistance. Given that this is a public service (and then paid with our money) and which the people are enjoying, we urge our government to abide by our willingness to immediately renew the conventions of Cervia and Russians. Which of course will be demonstrated this year, bringing citizens into the streets, reopening the group of 2000 members on face book and offering to raise funds if Cervia and Russians do not have availability. Cervia and remind Russians that public money is ours.

The Eye Place in Cape Verde Ravenna

Cruelty Free
Animal Liberation Onlus
Lega per l’Abolizione della Caccia

Friday, December 3, 2010

Birthday Wishes For My Boss

bracelet made with glass stones

Garment Manufacturing Project Report

Diana Ring Tribal

bracelets made with decorated wooden beads Baltic

Pokemon Heart Gold English Rom For Mac


Ring made with brass wire covered with silver and semiprecious stones

Pokemon Follows You Sprite


bracelet made of brass wire coated with silver and semiprecious stones
sold sold-out

ring made of brass wire coated with silver and semiprecious stones

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spider Bade- Misty Mundae 2


I hope it is a goodbye, dear Team Psycho: I stop here.

I tried to turn a blind eye, I listened to Max's invitation to begin this new season, but now I can not do more. The teasing continued, the lies, the hiding disarming and now the awareness of being returned to the starting point, have reached my limit of tolerability.

be out to go to training with your daughter, tears in her eyes, tells you "do not go ... daddy" leaves its mark, especially if those (and clearly I do not mean the team) for which you are entering and so work, so sacrifice the time you devote to your family, you pay off by "shit" the worst kind.

I think I've always operated in a transparent and fair to everyone: Presidents managers, players and employees, but are often not paid off with the same money, why be clear enough by now and everyone could freely decide what to do. Unfortunately it did not happen and I am forced to give up.

I miss the bad company of a hundred battles, some 464 (still few), of a thousand laughs and big mogul (always a few).

Good luck girls.
Your biggest fan.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Does A G String Wax Look Like

Parure Horizon

Parure made with circles of Swarovski Crystal mounted with silver components

sold-sold out

Sample Proposal For A Tv Program


infilaperle necklace made with green, semi-precious stones and pearls swarovski

venduto-sold out

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Party At Chennai- Airtel

Scusa ma ti voglio pagare (magari domani...)

Good Federico Poccia we saw along this time too.
E 'it out all the worst in his new book libraries: Sorry but I want you to pay (maybe tomorrow ...) .
This latest work is different from his first efforts (although the book's title might suggest otherwise) to the fact that a book is more an educational than a novel bimbeminchia .

This volume focuses on providing valuable assistance through alibis and excuses to anyone with a debt to anyone, through a set of guidelines for the use of phrases from the most delicate situations: the moment when you are face to face with the lender.

All are good to avoid the creditor does not answer the phone or deftly avoiding the places where close encounters of the fourth type may occur.

Much more difficult is confronted face to face and stunned the creditor with explanations that are credible and not paradoxical. This book teaches us this. A cleverly get away when you find yourself having to give answers.

Ecco alcuni esempi:
" Sono davvero rammaricato, ma il tuo assegno è andato a fuoco perché era sul tavolo sotto una lente di ingrandimento ed un raggio che è sbucato improvvisamente dalla persiana lo ha incendiato... Lunedì quando apre la banca te lo riporto, perché sfiga vuole che abbia finito il libretto gli assegni "  

" Mi vergogno un po' a dirlo, ma un esercito di acari affamate è entrato sotto il materasso dove custodivo il tuo contante e se l'è mangiato tutto, lasciando solo la filigrana, che, come tu ben sai, è poco digeribile " 

" Ma come non ti è arrivato il bonifico? Sono sicuro di averlo fatto...Senti... Ma il tuo Iban non è: 166 e conti fino a 6? 123456? "

L'aspetto interessante di questo pratico volumetto tascabile per ogni emergenza è l'interattività con il lettore: sono infatti graditissimi suggerimenti per la seconda edizione, Scusa ma ti voglio fare un vaglia postale . Inserite nei commenti le vostre scuse e riceverete gratuitamente una copia del primo volume, autografata da Federico Poccia .