Accidents at work Bullying Working Article. 2087 cc obliges the employer to protect the physical and mental harm to its employees. This rule places on the employer's specific requirements and guarantee protection for individuals, thus aggravating the crime, may result in prosecution office.
employer's liability is contractual, it is the same employer, under Article . 1218 cc, who has the burden of proving that the breach of contractual services was due to causes not attributable to him. Instead, the worker must prove the existence of damage, ie damage to mental and the causal link between job performance and give it is biological damage or existential damage. The
Leg. 626 of 1994, affirms the importance of health and safety at work. The workplace must ensure the physical well-being of workers. The
Leg. 38 of 2000 "Provisions relating to insurance against work accidents and occupational diseases," reported in the tables of assessment of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, taking into account for the first time in the history of this subject, in addition to loss of earning capacity, even the psychic nature of biological damage .
Even a psychic damage resulting from an act of harassment may be compensated by INAIL, although not present in the tables of this Decree as article 10 of Legislative Decree no. 38/2000 defines "occupational diseases, including those not included in the tables, of which the employee shows the source professionale”.