Friday, July 3, 2009

How Quickly Will Skin Heal After Ringworm

non-pecuniary damage as a result of demotion wrongful life

Article. 2103 cc protects workers and in particular states: "The employee must be used for the tasks for which they were hired. ...".
Downgrading category and / or pay is a financial and personal injury, undermining the dignity of the employee.
In the case of demotion and professional de-skilling, the injury caused the worker is potentially productive of financial loss, but also, if it were established , of non-pecuniary damage, in asoetti moral, biological and existential.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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This term refers to the damage caused by interference occurred in fetal life, whether it is psychological damage that could be determined in the unborn child, or existential damage . E'opportuno further distinguish between:
wrongful life , richiesta di risarcimento di un soggetto nato malformato, o con altra condizione di svantaggio esistenziale, nei confronti di genitori o terzi. Tale danno può essere conseguenza di un fatto anteriore al concepimento, o della malattia di uno o di entrambi i genitori, o conseguenza di una diagnosi errata prenatale che non abbia consentito alla madre di interrompere la gravidanza. Solo in quest’ultimo caso, individuato il fatto ingiusto, il risarcimento spetta non solo ai genitori, come danno psichico o esistenziale, ma anche al bambino stesso.
wrongful birth : richiesta di risarcimento dei genitori nei confronti di sanitari per atti di imperizia, imprudenza o negligenza avvenuti durante il parto.
wrongful pregnancy: a claim relating to the unplanned birth of a child due to errors in practice contraception, sterilization or abortion.

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Damage Damage from professional negligence

The professional misconduct Damage is damage caused by professional negligence, from the behavior of incompetence, negligence on the part of a professional negligence in respect of a client, or the failure or partial implementation of procedures or regulations approved the scientific community.
Where such professional misconduct, commission or omission, would cause an impairment of psycho-physical alteration of the personality of the person or in the outside world can claim compensation for not give capital, or both, depending on the consequences suffered. In case of death, the loss should be recognized for family members, and provides for compensation according to the criteria of damage mourning.

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Accidents at work Bullying Working

Article. 2087 cc obliges the employer to protect the physical and mental harm to its employees. This rule places on the employer's specific requirements and guarantee protection for individuals, thus aggravating the crime, may result in prosecution office.
employer's liability is contractual, it is the same employer, under Article . 1218 cc, who has the burden of proving that the breach of contractual services was due to causes not attributable to him. Instead, the worker must prove the existence of damage, ie damage to mental and the causal link between job performance and give it is biological damage or existential damage. The
Leg. 626 of 1994, affirms the importance of health and safety at work. The workplace must ensure the physical well-being of workers. The
Leg. 38 of 2000 "Provisions relating to insurance against work accidents and occupational diseases," reported in the tables of assessment of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, taking into account for the first time in the history of this subject, in addition to loss of earning capacity, even the psychic nature of biological damage .
Even a psychic damage resulting from an act of harassment may be compensated by INAIL, although not present in the tables of this Decree as article 10 of Legislative Decree no. 38/2000 defines "occupational diseases, including those not included in the tables, of which the employee shows the source professionale”.