Monday, January 17, 2011

4shared Pharmaceutical Calculations Stoklosa

Full servito

Rieccomi qua. So già che direte:" Ma come, non t'eri levato dalle balle? Sei un buffone !" 
Ebbene si, avevo effettivamente foldato (termine giovanile pokeristico che spiega un'uscita di scena) fino a che qualcuno della dirigenza mi ha dimostrato che ancora tiene davvero alla mia presenza in panchina. E appena ho ricevuto questo attestato di stima (oltre alla promessa di impegnarsi per sistemare la mia situazione...), ho deciso di rientrare a dare una mano allo Psycho Team.
Perché mentre a Poker si abbandona il gioco quando non si hanno le carte, io in mano avevo servito un Full di donne.

This team is special for me, he always manages to give me incredible satisfaction, and this year was not less than: Qualifying playoff with 3 days in advance , bar 3 - 0 the first in the standings , excellent performance on various occasions, and a net improvement by all.

I feel obliged to thank this group for the fantastic entertainment that can give me to every practice and for the emotions that I can give to each game (maybe my coronary arteries did not feel the same way ...).


But now we raise the Cip and aim higher !!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bible Verses Housewarming


Yesterday I visited Natasha T., a friend of mine and great activity of the association 's green eyes. Natasha is a hospital in Ravenna, has nearly 33 years, he has always done a lot as a volunteer for animals and people. Natasha has a skin cancer, a leg put this lily that would amputate. Why do I tell this story? Not pity, not to spoil the holidays, and even to give a pat on the back to Natasha. Knowing sarebbe lei a consolarvi. A Natascia è stata riconosciuta l’80% di invalidità e per questo le vengono date 80 euro al mese per vivere. Nemmeno la disoccupazione, perché nel nostro Paese o sei disoccupato o sei invalido, non puoi essere entrambe le cose. Situazione allucinante, vergognosa per il nostro Paese, eppure, Natascia non è l’unica, ma anzi sono sempre di più le persone che vivono vicende come questa. Cosa vogliamo fare? Continuiamo ad abbracciare battaglie planetarie che ci costano poco e ci lavano la coscienza, o iniziamo a guardare qui, al nostro vicino, a chi ci è di fronte; e senza pietismo muoverci per risolvere questi problemi? Chi gli ha riconosciuto quest’ovulo di 80 euro al mese, riuscirebbe a viverci pur senza problemi di salute? Nessuno riuscirebbe a farlo, figuriamoci chi non può lavorare e ha un problema di salute come questo. Negli Stati Uniti sono già scesi in piazza, non gli attivisti, ma i malati con i cateteri e le flebo attaccate (vere, non finte). Con dignità sfilavano per le “avenue” chiedendo il diritto più sacrosanto: la vita. Diritto che negli Stati Uniti ha un prezzo perché il servizio sanitario è privatizzato. Stiamo prendendo questa “avenue” anche noi, conoscere le persone ricoverate in ospedale, conoscere le loro storie, le storie dei loro famigliari, parlare con gli abitanti delle case popolari, con chi viene ignorato dagli assistenti sociali, con chi lotta quotidianamente in order to live, all this for too long been ignored by the policy. For too many years has been in politics for people to talk to the stomach, not the heart.

We come to this: 80 euro per month in exchange for a leg of a thirty year old, maybe 160 for two legs ... and then sell us so much per pound. Want to see Calcutta? Come here in Ravenna or Bologna or Milan. Dear politicians, please stop circling his face elsewhere.

Naty hug you.

Samantha Comizzoli to Ravenna to Cape Point

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wedding Welcome Cards

Germania: Fernando Santi - PUOI FIDARTI ANCORA, COMPAGNO


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Throat Cancer Awareness Ribbon Colors

"Per l’unità della Funzione Pubblica e della CGIL - Democrazia, Diritti, Giustizia, Solidarietà" Coordinamento regionale Veneto

Veneto. Document open membership policy statement
"For the unity of the Civil Service and the CGIL - Democracy, Rights, Justice, Solidarity"

We, the comrades belonging to the second motion conference with the signing of this document, open to contribution and membership of all those comrades who want to share it, we make our content and objectives places in the annex "to the unity of the Civil Service and the CGIL - Democracy, Rights, Justice, Solidarity".

reiterate not want to join at any level, programmatic area, a choice that can crystallize and dry up a discussion which needs to remain vibrant, free, frank and democratic, open to all levels of 'Organization, with leading role assigned to the steering committees and not self-sufficient and self-management teams.

The real challenge today is to strengthen the unity of the movement workers, starting with the CGIL. Even we in the Veneto region, throughout the organization must accept the challenge and developed even more internal democracy, identifying clear rounds in which decisions and verification of the mandate is shared in a transparent dialectic. We believe, in the argument on the law of representation, to propose the referendum as an essential mode of verification mandate.

We remain strong supporters of the contents, in order for democracy and renewal, the document "The CGIL we want" and maintain our freedom to reproduce those issues by expressing our point of vista. Le energie migliori non vanno disperse acuendo le distanze e lo scontro, ma bensì devono essere investite per la realizzazione di un percorso utile al confronto con tutte le sensibilità interne all’Organizzazione, proprio su quei temi che abbiamo fortemente sostenuto in fase congressuale.

La sfida è rafforzare la funzione pubblica assieme alla Cgil e riaprire la partita: necessitiamo di una reale discussione di merito e di nuove intese sui temi della democrazia, della confederalità e del rinnovamento. La discussione di merito è il punto di partenza per affrontare la difficile situazione in cui versa il Paese e per la riconquista del contratto nazionale per tutti i workers, especially those of the staff who have been denied, by a series of unjust and unfair rules, the renewal of the National, the second-level bargaining and the right to elect union representatives.

communicate to all her friends and comrades of the CGIL and the Civil CGIL which is also in the Veneto regional coordination "For the unity of the Civil Service and the CGIL - Democracy, Rights, Justice, Solidarity ", which will operate in accordance with the decisions taken in the National Congress of FP Sorrento, for the unity of the CGIL.

Mestre (VE), January 3, 2011

Luca Cipriani, Seg. FP Reg Veneto, Veneto Regional Steering FP
Ficarra Ivana, Coord. Reg INAIL Veneto, Veneto Regional Steering FP
John Novello, Seg. Prov. FP Vicenza, Veneto Regional Steering FP
Residori Andrea, Coord. Reg Fire Veneto, Veneto Regional Steering FP

"For the unity of function Public and CGIL - Democracy, Rights, Justice, Solidarity "

With this declaration, we intend to fellow members of the second motion to honor what we have supported and reiterated in meetings to all those comrades who believed in ourselves and in our ideas, those in the second motion, and we have followed in the difficult adventure Congress, which has seen us search for a dialectic, discussion and democratic debate on the issues of employment, without wishing to lead a war fratricide or divide the CGIL.

The creation of a non-programmatic was, therefore, in the premises of an argument and will not support it, as it provides a contrast that creates lack of communication between options and perspectives. These, however, respecting the outcome of the Congress, we must continue to confront in support of the unity of the CGIL

We, therefore, with the presentation of the following planning document, which gives reasons why and indicate the paths, formalized the formation of a new programmatic aggregation of the minority conference.

We all need more freedom in the discussion within the organization and certainly not harmful conflicts predetermined. The recognition of different opinions, in a development of internal democracy, can only be an enrichment to be developed within the document unit of Public Administration conference.

The motion companions gathered experiences and ways of feeling distant from each other, which would not make sense to keep together in a structured but at the same time, we consider important to avoid the risk of dispersing an important asset sensitivity.

We will not, therefore, that in view of the indispensability of strengthening the unity of the CGIL and encourage a real debate on the merits, the need to establish the existence of programmatic Area can give body to a self-management group.

Rather, we fully respect our mandate in a debate free of fences

We, in the second motion and contexts Congress, we have proposed new readings of reality and shown innovative ways, which have positively flourished in the majority of the Organization, however, while respecting the outcome of the Congress, we want to keep the possibility of supporting the reasons that we believed and still believe.

Riteniamo che tutta l’Organizzazione debba accettare la sfida, sviluppando ancor di più la democrazia interna, individuando percorsi netti in cui le decisioni e la verifica di mandato siano condivise in una dialettica trasparente.

Così siamo convinti, nell’ambito della discussione sulla legge di rappresentanza, di riproporre la necessità di inserire il referendum come modalità indispensabile di verifica di mandato.
Crediamo che la CGIL possa lanciare in tal senso la sfida alle altre Organizzazioni, per aggiornare la legge vigente nel pubblico impiego.

In ultimo, pertanto, affirming not want to join the programmatic risks because it sectorialized and crystallize a debate that must remain open. We are for the convergences (useful comparison that enriches all) and not for fractures

The conference ended with the concluding document of Sorrento.
We remain, therefore, convinced of the goodness of the arguments of the second document, while maintaining our freedom to think and then repeat the themes to express our points of view, but within the conference final decisions.

Besides, we do not share the government the method of operation of the group relating to the second motion after the Congress, which, instead of building a useful path to the comparison with the majority and the unitary condition, was in danger and could still aggravate the gap between the parties.

Moreover, these companies have already adhered to the area, making choices different from ours.

We say enough to meeting the details of which are reviving the worst of the battle and we believe that Congress should take a step forward, search for the necessary arrangements to consolidate the document unit of Sorrento, strengthening and supporting civil the National Secretariat in 'face the difficult situation that the country is going through.

We therefore ask the Congress won the majority to accept the comparison as a resource, useful to develop the idea of \u200b\u200bconfederation, which is indispensable to the affirmation of individual rights and the construction of policies that will mark a vision for youth , precarious, and families throughout the world of work. Comparison need to make more and more strong and united so as to face the CGIL and win the complex challenges that lie ahead and to provide a horizon of hope, where now reigns resignation or despair.

In the spirit of the standard document of Sorrento, you will also enrich the CGIL, accepting the challenge of a major renovation.

On this basis we can develop and grow the unified management of the pact signed in Sorrento, with the benefit of the entire organization.

Rome, December 21, 2010

Luigi Savio FP National Steering Committee
Gesmundo Joseph Seg. January Bari FP
Massimo Salvatore Seg. January FP Naples
Mauro Luigi Seg. January Avellino FP
Cipriani Luca Seg. Reg. FP Veneto
Raschia Andrea Seg. FP Ancona
Canzanella Anna Seg. FP Napoli
Ferreri Rosanna Seg. FP Napoli
Martinelli Gennaro Seg. FP Napoli
Sannino Salvatore Seg. FP Napoli
Ventrelli Antonio Seg. FP Bari
Calaprico Marcella Seg. FP Bari
Monno Giuseppe Seg. FP Bari
Tomaselli Patrizia Seg. Reg. FP Puglia
Parente Sabatino Seg. Reg. FP Campania
Di Mauro Assunta Seg. Reg. FP Campania
Di Maro Giosuè Coordinatore Reg. FP Campania Area Medica

Monday, January 3, 2011

Labeled Diagram Of A Speedboat


Sarà un anno magnifico!
Sarà un nuovo anno l'ApEcHeRoNzA
Felice 2011 a tutti

Bruised Feeling In Side Of Head

the ApEcHeRoNzA. New Moon

Cosa ne pensate di stupire le amiche regalando loro
o indossando voi stesse una sciarpa coloratissima in morbida lana
personalizzata con divertenti spille di feltro
splendidi cristalli swarovski?

per qualsiasi domanda contattatemi pure

Ecco la presentazione delle Sciarpe l'ApEcHeRoNzA.

Le immagini sono tutte relative a sciarpe già vendute e non più disponibili,

quindi sono da intendersi semplicemente come esempi. Per avere scelta

sulla lana e maggiore sicurezza sulla data di consegna, ogni pezzo

deve essere prenotato con almeno una settimana di anticipo.

info and reservations: apecheronza.lab @