Monday, September 21, 2009

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Joint Sections 11 November 2008: checkmate existential damage

La dottrina sul danno esistenziale sviluppatasi negli anni, a partire dai primi del ’90, ha consolidato la teoria secondo cui esiste una categoria autonoma di danno, c.d. esistenziale, nell’ambito della tutela risarcitoria del danno non patrimoniale. Tale categoria era ritenuta distinta dal danno biologico , in assenza della lesione dell’integrità psico-fisica, e dal danno morale, in quanto non attinente alla sfera interiore del sentire ma alla sfera del fare non reddituale del soggetto. Essa nasceva nell’intento di superare i limiti sanciti dall’art. 2059 relativi alla tutela risarcitoria per i pregiudizi di natura non patrimoniale. Si affermava che nel caso in cui il fatto illecito limitasse le attività realizzatrici of human activity, forcing the person to take the lives of everyday behavior different from past ones, it creates a new type of damage described by the term existential damage (P. Cendon, not for health alone that man lives, Studies in Rescigno, V, Milano, 1999). According to the landmark ruling of the Constitutional Court 233/03, preceded by the judgments, "mates" 8828 and 8827 of the 2003 Supreme Court of Cassation, the damage would be existential in the lesion consisted of constitutionally guaranteed rights and interests related to the human person other than the right to health , which upset the activities to-earnings of the injured party.

The transmission of this principle it is increasingly rooted in case law on the merits and legitimacy which has often used the argument that the existential damage must be understood as "any injury (non-emotional and purely internal, but objectively ascertainable) that alter the habits and relational structure of the subject, prompting him to different life choices, as the expression and realization of his personality to the outside world, those who would have been if he had not verified the harmful "(see Cass. n ON 24.03.2006 . 6572; Cass. 06/02/2007 No. 2546, Cass. 8/28/2007 No 18199). The United Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation judgments with no 26972, 26973, 26974 and 26975 11 novembre 2008, destinate a fare storia, hanno consacrato un cambiamento di rotta, cancellando il c.d. danno esistenziale, giudicandolo una “duplicazione del c.d. danno biologico e del danno morale”. Tanto sulla base del presupposto secondo cui il danno non patrimoniale “è categoria generale non suscettiva di suddivisione in sottocategorie variamente etichettate”. In particolare, osserva la Corte nella sentenza 26972, non può farsi riferimento ad una generica sottocategoria denominata danno esistenziale, perché attraverso questa si finisce per portare anche il danno non patrimoniale nell’atipicità, sia pure attraverso l’individuazione della apparente tipica figura categoriale del danno esistenziale, in cui tuttavia confluiscono fattispecie non necessariamente previste dalla norma ai fini della risarcibilità di tale tipo di danno, mentre tale situazione non è voluta dal legislatore ordinario ne è necessitata dall’interpretazione costituzionale dell’art. 2059 c.c., che rimane soddisfatta dalla tutela risarcitoria di specifici valori della persona presidiati da diritti inviolabili secondo Costituzione. Ciò però non implica un assoluto rifiuto della Suprema Corte in ordine al danno esistenziale, il quale benché non potrà più essere considerato come voce autonoma di danno non patrimoniale potrà, comunque, essere risarcito in virtù di una valutazione che il giudice dovrà compiere caso per caso; all’uopo the Supreme Court has let go some revealing example of such damages, tomorrow, and will no longer be compensated: it has, in fact, shared the orientation of the judgments "twin" in order to pay damages for loss or impairment of the relationship in the case of parental death or cause serious disability of a spouse, or the damage resulting from the invasion of the reputation, image, name, and confidentiality. Destiny will have the opposite bias, the anxieties, the right to quality of life, the well-being. According to the ermine of Palazzaccio damages to the person shall, in any event be complete in the sense that "should fully restore the damage, but no farther." As you said, then, for the court, from now on, to determine the actual existence of the alleged injury, "which identified a negative impact on value-man are reviewed and ensuring their full reparation", and bearing in mind that " items may only be biological damage in its dynamic aspect ... the prejudices concerning existential relational aspects of life, injury resulting from physical and mental integrity. " Ultimately the judgments under review the Supreme Court of Cassation has a fixed point on the items of compensable damage, eliminating the risk of compensation for damage bagatellari cd, or on the minor damage that does not affect the constitutional values. It is eliminated, then the possibility of recognizing the existential damage in cases, for example, a delay in the installation of a telephone system (Court of Milan 27/11/2000) or for breaking the lock of hair of the first girlfriend (P . Cendon, Op cit.)!


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Ajax, four goals to VVV Venlo ...

... but the result is a liar ! Without four
reti di Suarez, di gran lunga il giocatore più forte dell'intera Eredivisie, il match sarebbe stato diverso, visto che i lancieri di Amsterdam spesso hanno dovuto battagliare contro la squadra della cittadina di Limburg, piegata dopo pochi istanti dal primo gol di capitan Suarez, ma rinfrancata dalle occasioni avute da Ahahaoui, Schaken e dalla traballante, ma meritevole dei complimenti di Jol, difesa dell'Ajax.
Il tecnico, infatti, nelle dichiarazioni post-partita, ha voluto innanzitutto complimentarsi con la difesa "giovane" con cui l'Ajax ha giocato allo stadio Seacon De Koel. Complimenti anche per Anita, schierato a sorpresa al posto di de Jong per sostituire l'infortunato Enoh a centrocampo. Il mediano, infatti, ha completamente oscurato Keisuke Honda, which is the best player in the VVV in the first half of the season. Secondly, Jol spoke of the man of the match, no doubt the Uruguayan Suarez, minimizing the four networks and focusing on the fact that his game was not at all among the best. "It 's pretty strong," said the coach was born in The Hague, "can be dangerous even when he is fit enough." The coach of Ajax, in fact, demands the best from the captain, considering that the game has given the team's all designed to ensure that these will mark hoards of goals. With four goals yesterday, the Uruguayan has reached the milestone of 100 goals in the Eredivisie, including 71 with the shirt of Ajax, scoring for the third time at least three goals in a game (before yesterday, in fact, had scored all three 'RKC Waalwijk and four to Slovan Bratislava).

Friday, September 18, 2009

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Domain Ajax, but against the Timisoara does not go beyond the 0-0

sided with the excellent Siem de Jong to the center of the field, in place of the injured Enoh, Ajax players did not disappoint expectations, or almost ... In fact, at the expense of the many opportunities created (in the first 45 minutes was Suarez, Cvitanich and de Jong to move close to the goal) the final result was 0-0. The Romanians of Timisoara, arrived from Amsterdam Arena unbeaten in Europe, will continue to acquire this title at least until the next round, they face Dynamo Zagreb dall'Anderlecht defeat yesterday at home.

The frustration of the coach of Ajax, Martin Jol, also stems from the fact that the team is unable to finalize the many occasions had, especially when the balls start from the line of the corner. "If we see the positive side," said Jol, "we can say that we have maintained the pace of the game for the whole 90 minutes without giving anything to the opponents." "Usually," continued the coach of the Lancers' teams like the one we have faced difficult and often eventually manage to get the discrete occasions. With us, this has not happened. "

But be careful, Dear Jol, because yesterday the Ajax risked big.

At 75 minutes, in the one-it was the only ball-goal that the Romanians have, Stekelenburg has managed with great skill to resist, remaining in my opinion, deserves to be the true successor to Van der Sar in the Dutch national team. A defeat would have been too much burning and extremely undeserved.

Now, with Anderlecht in the group head for the red and white of the diktats Amsterdam is to win in two weeks, a game that should be taken away with the springs ...

Chapter market through le colonne del giornale olandese De Telegraaf, il tecnico dell'Ajax ha anche parlato del giovane attaccante sudcoreano Hi-Yung Seok ( nella foto ), arrivato da una decina di giorni a provare con la squadra. Il calciatore, vent'anni appena, ha decisamente convinto lo staff, che gli ha prolungato il periodo di prova.