Saturday, October 1, 2005

Itchless Rash In Groin Area

(La Repubblica, 30/09/2005)
E Via Nazionale risk megarisarcimento 5 billion euro
Dimond letter published Saturday in Vittorio Zucconi on September 10 heading "Letters to the Editor" on the online site of the newspaper La Repubblica

Dear Editor,
in these days of great confusion, mistrust and suspicion on the role of the Bank of Italy (a spa, a private bank with private bankers and insurance + INPS) in economic policy and financial status of our country is becoming increasingly clear that the Bank of Italy and the other banks (they are the ones who print paper money), they behave like all the Corporation, are not directed only to age but to profit. If it was the state to print its own currency, coins as their pennies, he suddenly extinguished the monstrous public debt burden on all citizens and that puts a big mortgage on our future. I am well aware that this observation can be argued that a pure ingenuity, but the quotation of Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize for Economics in 1988 stated that "the current money creation made ex nihilo (from nothing =) from the banking system identical to the creation of money by counterfeiters. The only difference is that they are different people who profit from them "what can you object? Thank you for your hospitality and for his opinion, very welcome. Greetings to all Dimond
- reply - The problem is not "who is printing money", but "those who control who is printing money." If you could imagine the government also had absolute authority battere moneta come batte le leggi? Weimar le ricorda niente?
Forse bisognerebbe aiutare Vittorio Zucconi a informarsi sull'attuale sistema bancario, basato su una truffa ignobile che รจ il “signoraggio” e la “riserva frazionaria” delle Banche Centrali.


Lettera del Sig. Aggio a Vittorio Zucconi pubblicata lunedi 12 settembre sulla rubrica "Lettere al direttore" sul sito on line del giornale La Repubblica

Dear Editor,
money control the world. Considered owners of them relying on a legal vacuum (nowhere sanctions the ownership of money on issue) is a privilege unsurpassed, you think about it. Wishing could also deepen the difference between "business of state" and "bank notes": one does not create debt, the other absolutely from you. Because the former do not exist anymore for a long time? I invite you to search for "seigniorage", "Giacinto Auriti" or "induced value" in a search engine on the Internet to become better informed on this issue. Thanks for reading, I'd be happy to read a risposta.Cari your greetings and good Sunday.
- risposta - Questa che i soldi comandassero il mondo mi giunge nuova. In attesa di risolvere il problema di chi deve stampare la cartamoneta, io modestamente mi accontenterei di vedere un governatore della Banca d'Italia che non facesse gli affarucci suoi con li amichetti della parrocchietta.

Un anonimo ha detto
Qualche mese fa, scrissi al direttore di Repubblica che in una sua precedente risposta ad un lettore definiva, beatamente, la moneta come una commodity, una merce e che quindi come tale era giusto avesse un prezzo (il tasso di interesse) e che per capire questo non occorreva essere degli economisti.Io lo invitai ad una maggiore onesta intellettuale asking him not to trivialize the concept that, while simple in nature, it has become over the centuries, accessible only to sensitive minds: I challenged him to demonstrate how it could compare the shirt sales of goods (equipment, fabric, thread, buttons, work labels and so on) with the sale of the money made by the "factory" central bank. On the other hand, if it were a "trivial" goods do not see why I should be prevented from producing in my piacimento.Come you can imagine I am still waiting for any substance risposta.In seems obvious to me that Zucconi, as they say, " us' "because there are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear. Stefano

"What is a bank robbery in comparison of the founding of a bank?"
Bertold Brecht